Who can resist making them? I adjusted the pattern for a slightly bigger dress form. So I've made two of these already for my new sewing space which by the way I hope to reveal in a couple weeks.

Alright now we're taking a step back in time-to the "beginning" of Rosella's Lane.:)
It all started with this little girl and an amazing mother and sisters who taught her all about sewing, from hand stitching to machine sewing. Days were spent sitting under trees with applique/embroidery projects as young as 7 years old(grew up in Belize where it's hot and no A/C, so the shade of trees seemed perfect); we even had the privilege of Sunday school needle crafts. That's right :), then came the big project of making a quilt with my brother at about age 10! That one still brings a smile to my face whenever I think of it. We would fight over who got to use the sewing machine.
I always was proud of my work, maybe that's why I held on to these :) :

At age 15, I started my own quilt which I happen to use all the time! With a huge move away from family at the age of 21, I needed a hobby to keep myself busy, so I invested in my very first sewing machine and the result was countless baby quilts and blankets which mostly ended up as gifts to other moms with newborns as I wasn't ready to sell at the time, although the thought did cross my mind.

Now I feel so blessed to be a mother and able to stay at home with our two little boys. I want to be open to the Lord's leading and as long as He allows me and our boys are happy, I enjoy creating things to add to my Etsy shop. I have my husband's full support and thoroughly enjoy the evenings when he sits next to me and helps with creating the shabby rosettes designed by me for the beautiful strap covers and CD packaging. :)
After all these years, I am once again privileged to have my mom help me with my projects. Only this time I tell her what to do;)she delights in helping me with my orders. So very blessed to have her.

As I mentioned earlier on, we're working on a sewing space. I'm so excited about having a comfortable space to dream and create and allow my customers to see where their items are made!
You're welcome to check back for a virtual tour..soon!