Friday, August 24, 2012

Rosella's Lane Sewing studio

This post is only about half a year late!
I meant to do a post of my sewing studio for so long but it never quite came together as quickly as I had anticipated. So, with that said, come on in and take a look around as it is at the moment. This is the result after hrs of organizing.

I do welcome the natural light streaming through the windows.  
Because the room was white to begin with, I decided to go with some white on white. White makes me happy. :)

No this is not the way my studio looks like every day.  Amazing how one can function in a chaotic/creative mess with materials on every surface but it's true and happens all the time.  More stuff = more inspiration. ;) I enjoy having many projects going at the same time. I should do a post of what it is really like 95% of the time!

That's it for today! I will be back again soon with another post...atleast I'm pretty sure it won't be a half year wait. :)


1 comment:

  1. Rosella, it's beautiful! But I want to see larger images haha.. hard to tell from this size :)
